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impact nonprofit program

Each year CBE Week recognizes and supports a class of Impact Nonprofits – the unsung heroes who are positively impacting diverse communities and inspiring the next generation of leaders. 

cbe's impact
nonprofit program

In 2020, CBE’s Impact Nonprofits will feature Bay Area 501(c)(3) organizations of service devoted to unifying and elevating communities of color by implementing criminal justice reform. If you are a passionate nonprofit whose goals and mission aligns with eradicating forms systemic injustices, we want to hear from you!

The 2020 Class of Impact Nonprofit organizations will be profiled throughout CBE Week and eligible for project- based awards generated from a variety of sponsored events. Wholly aligned with its mission to support the continuing achievements of the Black community, CBE is honored to partner with Bay Area organizations investing valuable resources to sustainably restore our communities for generations to come.


A nonprofit that receives funding from CBE must use that funding for the purpose noted in its application and consistent with the described goals and objectives provided therein. (If for any reason, the contribution will not be used for the described application purpose, the nonprofit must immediately notify CBE and request a redirection of the awarded funds. CBE may, in its discretion, approve the redirection of funds toward another approved charitable purpose or require a return of all awarded amounts.)  

The following entities are not eligible for funding (including but not limited to): 

● Individuals or organizations without 501(c)(3) status or private foundations 

● No substantial part of the activities of the organization can consist of the publication or dissemination of materials with the purpose of attempting to influence legislation, and the organization not participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. 

● Religious organizations for sectarian purposes or religious schools that restrict entry to those of a particular faith will not be eligible; however, a community program sponsored by a religious organization may be considered 

● Individuals or organizations that have received awards or grant funding from CBE in previous years 



To qualify for funding, an organization must be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, with a minimum of three years in operation.

Benefits for
Selected Organizations

  • Nomination for Impact Nonprofit 2020 Award
  • Profiled as nonprofit award recipient throughout CBE Week
  • Funding for nonprofit program
  • Featured at select CBE Week events
  • Pitch day - Vendor Fair (1 vendor table)
  • Inclusion of activities in CBE Week newsletter
  • Profiled on CBE Week website
  • 2020 Summit tickets
  • 2020 Gala tickets


The theme for 2018 was nonprofits promoting STEM and entrepreneurship in communities of color.

to apply

CBE is seeking proposals for project-based programs supporting its core mission and Impact Nonprofit Goals for 2020. A variety of program types are welcome and qualify for funding, if they clearly address a solution to one or more policies that unlawfully abuses communities of color.


Submit a PDF with all materials listed below to

1. Cover Letter

Provide a brief statement of what your proposal asks for, and summarize the project for which you are seeking support. In this portion of the submission, you will have a chance to introduce your organization and overall mission to CBE Week and its Advisory Board.

2. Executive Summary

This summary should provide a very brief description and overview of your organization and the specific project proposal.

3. Need Statement

Please state the purpose of your need. Explain why the issue is important, and provide any research your organization has undergone to address current needs in recent years.

4. Goals and Objectives

State the project plan and what you aim to accomplish (goals). In addition, spell out the specific results you expect to achieve (objectives).

5. Evaluation

Provide a brief explanation as to how you will assess your program’s accomplishments and evaluate the impact of your project. Include all records and data you will collect, and how that data may be used for future programs or initiatives. If the data collection costs money, please include the allocated costs for that work in your budget.

6. About Your Organization

In 2-3 paragraphs explain how you intend to use the funds responsibly to achieve projected goals. Give a brief organizational overview, state your mission, and provide a summary note on the population you serve. Also, please provide a copy of the following supporting documents: (1) an IRS letter confirming tax-exempt status; (2) a list of your board of directors and their affiliations; and (3) a budget for your current fiscal year.

7. Budget

Attach a short budget showing expected expenses and income. The expenses portion should include, direct project fees, and any anticipated administrative costs.


The internal criteria for reviewing submissions includes (but shall not be limited to) the following overview:


Nominate a nonprofit to be featured during CBE Week and granted funding for a program.


There are plenty of opportunities to give back by volunteering to work with one of the Impact Nonprofits!

Coming Soon